on the stage
In or into the work of being an actor or actress.
John's brother is on the stage.
Mary went on the stage.
on the strength of
With faith or trust in; depending upon; with the support of.
On the strength of Jim's promise to guide us, we decided to climb the mountain.
Bill started a restaurant on the strength of his experience as a cook in the army.
on the string
on a string
Under your influence or control; obedient to every wish.
The baby had his mother on a string.
She was pretty and popular, with two or three boys on the string all the time.
on the take
In receipt of bribes or income from illegal avenues.
В получении взяток или доходов незаконным путем.
Officer O'Keefe was put on three months' probation because it was alleged that he was on the take.
Офицер О'Киф был приговорен к трем месяцам испытательного срока, поскольку предположительно он брал взятки.
Everyone knows that the majority of politicians are on the take. That's the reason the biggest corporations have the greatest influence on the legislation.
Всем известно, что большинство политиков — взяточники. Вот почему крупнейшие корпорации имеют наибольшее влияние на законодательство.
You're naïve if you think there aren't cops on the take in this town.
Вы наивны, если думаете, что в этом городе нет полицейских, занимающихся взяточничеством.
on the town
out on the town
In or into a town to celebrate; having a good time or enjoying the amusements in a town. Going from one bar or restaurant to the next in order to celebrate an event.
When the sailors got off their ship they went out on the town.
They all went out on the town to celebrate his promotion to vice president.
on the track of
on the trail of
Hunting or looking for; trying to find; following.
The hunter is on the track of a deer.
The lawyer is on the trail of new proof in the case.
Jim collects old stamps; he is on the track of one in Midville this afternoon.
on the up and up
Honest; trustworthy; sincere.
We felt that he was honest and could be trusted. This information is on the up and up.
on the wagon
be on the wagon
water wagon
Participating in an alcohol addiction program; not touching any alcoholic beverage.
Jim's doctor and his family finally managed to convince him that he was an alcoholic and should go on the wagon.